J&BBooks' Letterboxing Adventures

J&BBooks are a husband and wife team in Southeastern Michigan who want to share their letterboxing stories and pictures with everybody! Enjoy! Currently: P(10), F(300), X(28)

Location: Southeastern Michigan

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hit and miss

Despite the rain and fog last Saturday morning, J and B decided it was high time to do a little letterboxing! So we headed west...our finds (and misses) can be found here. The very wet weather kept our letterboxing on Saturday to a minimum, especially as we got off to a disappointing start. We looked high and low for the turkeyville box, but never found it. In fact, we only found about half of the clues. J enjoyed the turkeys that seemed to be signally to us whenever we got close to their barn, though. (“Over there! The letterbox is over there! And please don’t eat me!”) Things picked up with the Frog Preserves box, which was in lovely park and had a nice, long walk. After another Battle Creek box, though, we decided to call it a day, as we were both wet, scratched up, and bitten up. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Michigan Fiber Festival... but that’s a story for those who appreciate the joy of yarn!

Sunday was gorgeous, as if making up for the so-so weather of the day before. We got an early start and found several boxes. At one point, we shared the trail with a doe, who was standing about 4 feet away from us. She was massively unconcerned with the two excited humans next to her! However, she did not like bicyclists, and took off as one came zooming around a corner. After such a good morning, something was bound to go wrong. That something was our search for the Celery Flats box. We started out by making a couple of mistakes.... corrected ourselves and finally made it to the “find” location. And just couldn’t find it! It may be there, as we are not at all certain of our searching abilities when trying to hide from bikes, families, and dogs! We’ll be giving this one another try.

Finally, we met up with our South Bend boxing buddies and tackled two more boxes, Mark in the Park and a SpringChick mystery box. We eventually found both of them, but the key word is eventually. We kept getting lost on both of them! Not our finest lbing moment! But we were very happy when we found each of them and decided to quit while we were ahead. So we stopped at Bimbo’s for some pizza and then headed back to good old Ann Arbor.


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