South Bend Mystery boxes... pictures
Oops! J forgot that she did take the camera with her on our latest outing. So, here is B and our friends J&S in one of South Bend's many lovely parks:
And here is a fire hydrant that J thought was awesome. All of South Bend's hydrants were painted like little guys; very cute! Or it may just be that J is easily amused!
And here is a fire hydrant that J thought was awesome. All of South Bend's hydrants were painted like little guys; very cute! Or it may just be that J is easily amused!
Two other boxing items. One, we removed our two May Days boxes from Maybury State Park, so the whole series is gone now. We will be replanting at least one of these stamps as a permanent box, though, sometime soon. Two is that we are taking a little letterboxing vacation next weekend to Mackinac Island (well, sorta vacation.... B has to attend a conference... J doesn't, though!). We are planning on boxing on the way up, while there, and back down to AA. Any suggestions of what to hit?
Here's one suggestion: our "Do The Wave" box is RIGHT on your way to Mackinac. It's at a rest stop along I-75 near Indian River. Be sure to get it on your way there, though, since it's on the northbound side. Enjoy!
Yeah right....Mackinac Island... "conference"
Yeah, right.
Do you need an assistant?
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